Recount Writing Flipbook

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Type of ResourceFlipbooks
Text TypesRecount Writing


Make recount writing fun and easy with these recount writing flipbooks! This resource includes two recount writing scaffolds for planning and writing a recount.


These flipbooks are EASY to use! No complicated double-sided, flipped printing needed, and no messy folding! Simply print on one page, single-sided, cut, and paste!


Your students will love the easy writing reminders to guide them through their recount writing. These recount flipbooks are a great way to add fun to writing centers and writing time!


You will get:

  • Two recount templates (1. When, Who, Where, When; 2. First, then, next, finally)
  • Additional templates featuring adventurous kids.


This resource is easy to make – just print the number of copies you need, trim the template, cut down the middle, cut to separate the different pages, then glue them into place.

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