Prep Text Response Bump It Up Wall


Prep Text Response Bump It Up Wall

Bump It Up Walls are a fantastic way to make learning visible in your classroom and to track student learning.

Writing your own samples can be really time-consuming!

Save time with these prep-level text-response writing samples, with annotations aligned with the Australian Curriculum, and ‘I can statements’

Show your students HOW to improve their work by deconstructing each text, and then use the annotations to guide them to the next level.

These samples are based on a text response to ‘Wombat Goes Walkabout’ by Michael Morpurgo. There are THREE levels (Above, At Standard, Below), and I have used dots to identify these levels on the samples, statements and annotations.

Two fonts included: QLD Beginners and KinderPeeps.

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Bump It Up Walls are a fantastic way to make learning visible in your classroom and to track student learning.

Writing your own samples can be really time-consuming!

Save time with these prep-level text-response writing samples, with annotations aligned with the Australian Curriculum, and ‘I can statements’

Show your students HOW to improve their work by deconstructing each text, and then use the annotations to guide them to the next level.

These samples are based on a text response to ‘Wombat Goes Walkabout’ by Michael Morpurgo. There are THREE levels (Above, At Standard, Below), and I have used dots to identify these levels on the samples, statements and annotations. Each sample includes images.

Two fonts included: QLD Beginners and KinderPeeps.

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