Narrative Planning Bundle

Help your students to write complete and descriptive narratives using this helpful bundle of tools!


  • Create a Narrative Learning Wall in your classroom using the Learning Wall display – include different elements on your wall to become a place that students can refer to in their writing. Find out how to use learning walls in my blog.


  • Introduce Five Sentence Story planning to help students plan their story before they begin writing – no more incomplete stories! This is an editable slideshow so that you can model, co-construct and then hand over the responsibility to your young writers.


  • Plan and write narratives using the Planning Template and Flipbook – handy tools that scaffold your students to successful and complete story writing. These tools also help to reinforce Five Sentence Story planning.
This product can only be downloaded by subscribers. To download this product, please login or sign up by purchasing a Teachie Tings Subscription.

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Text TypesNarrative Writing