Reading Comprehension Dice – Fiction and Non-Fiction

Boost your students’ reading comprehension skills with these reading response dice for any text! This resource includes reading response dice for both fiction and non-fiction texts; and each set includes dice for before reading, during reading, and after reading.


Your students will love rolling these dice during reading rotations, self-guided reading, or whole class activities. You’ll love that you can prep once and use them every day!


You will get:

  • Three different fiction comprehension dice templates: before, during and after
  • Three different non-fiction comprehension dice templates: before, during and after


To prep, just print and prepare as you would any cube net. These dice work well when color-coded to fiction and non-fiction, and stored carefully in a storage box.

This product can only be downloaded by subscribers. To download this product, please login or sign up by purchasing a Teachie Tings Subscription.

Categories: ,
Reading SkillsComprehension
Reading ComprehensionCause & Effect, Compare & Contrast, Conclusions, Fact & Opinion, Generalisations, Inference, Main Idea & Details, Sequence of Events, Summarise