This FREE digital Initial Blends PowerPoint focuses just on initial SL blends. There are 15 words for blending practice! As each word appears, students will blend the sounds and then say the complete word. You can choose between slides with pictures or no pictures.
Your students will love practicing their initial blends with these fun slides – just click through each slide. You can rearrange and delete slides as needed to create your own needs-based practice OR use them in the sequence provided.
What’s included:
- PowerPoint slideshow that includes 15 decodable initial SL blends words with pictures (see list in preview). Each slide is full color and includes a picture of a child pointing at a word. Each word is automatically animated to enable blending.
- You will need PowerPoint to use this resource.
You will love using these as your morning warm-up, in your literacy block, for small-group instruction, or even for individual student practice. The words are in my own scope and sequence, but you can rearrange them to fit your own sequence in the slide sorter view.
Would you like the full resource? Subscribers can download here
You may also like our CVC Words Blending Practice PowerPoint.
How do the animations work?
Once each slide is opened, the animation begins. The animation prompts the students to blend the word. First, the word appears in black text, then each letter changes color, prompting the students to say that sound, and then blend the sounds together to form the whole word (green). The letters are color-coded, with red vowels and blue consonants. The letters also have sound dots/buttons. There is no sound.
Word families included:
15 Decodable Initial SL Blend Words included:
slice x 2
slide x 2
slope x 2
Copyright © TeachieTings
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.