Nim’s Island Book and Movie Comparison | Year 5 Bump It Up Wall Exemplars

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Nim’s Island Book and Movie Comparison | Year 5 Bump It Up Wall Exemplars

Set your students up for success with our Nim’s Island Book and Movie Comparison exemplars. Perfect for Bump It Up Walls and Learning Walls, these levelled examples (A-D) show students exactly what they need to do to improve their writing.

Each exemplar includes ‘I can’ success criteria/annotations, so that students can clearly see which criteria determine an A, B, C & D level of writing.

Perfect for helping students to identify what they need to do to ‘bump up’ their writing!


Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Nim’s Island Book and Movie Comparison Writing Exemplars.
  • Four different texts are included (Year 5, Australian Curriculum, Grades A-D).
  • Matching success criteria for each levelled text, covering text structure, language features and grammar and punctuation.

You can also use this resource as a teaching and learning activity:

  1. Close reading
  2. Deconstruction of text
  3. Text and language feature identification
  4. Reading comprehension

You can also use as a display:

  • Learning Walls
  • Bump It Up Walls

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This product can only be downloaded by subscribers. To download this product, please login or sign up by purchasing a Teachie Tings Subscription or Teachie Tings Monthly Subscription.

Set your students up for success with our Nim’s Island Book and Movie Comparison exemplars. Perfect for Bump It Up Walls and Learning Walls, these levelled examples (A-D) show students exactly what they need to do to improve their writing.

Each exemplar includes ‘I can’ success criteria/annotations, so that students can clearly see which criteria determine an A, B, C & D level of writing.

Perfect for helping students to identify what they need to do to ‘bump up’ their writing!


Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Nim’s Island Book and Movie Comparison Writing Exemplars.
  • Four different texts are included (Year 5, Australian Curriculum, Grades A-D).
  • Matching success criteria for each levelled text, covering text structure, language features and grammar and punctuation.
  • Nim’s Island banner
  • Bump It Up Wall banner
  • Standard Bump It Up Wall display pack

You can also use this resource as a teaching and learning activity:

  1. Close reading
  2. Deconstruction of text
  3. Text and language feature identification
  4. Reading comprehension

You can also use as a display:

  • Learning Walls
  • Bump It Up Walls

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