Set your students up for success with our Nim’s Island Book and Movie Comparison exemplars. Perfect for Bump It Up Walls and Learning Walls, these levelled examples (A-D) show students exactly what they need to do to improve their writing.
Each exemplar includes ‘I can’ success criteria/annotations, so that students can clearly see which criteria determine an A, B, C & D level of writing.
Perfect for helping students to identify what they need to do to ‘bump up’ their writing!
Here’s what you’ll get:
- Nim’s Island Book and Movie Comparison Writing Exemplars.
- Four different texts are included (Year 5, Australian Curriculum, Grades A-D).
- Matching success criteria for each levelled text, covering text structure, language features and grammar and punctuation.
- Nim’s Island banner
- Bump It Up Wall banner
- Standard Bump It Up Wall display pack
You can also use this resource as a teaching and learning activity:
- Close reading
- Deconstruction of text
- Text and language feature identification
- Reading comprehension
You can also use as a display:
- Learning Walls
- Bump It Up Walls
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