Friends of Ten Game

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Learning AreaMathematics
NumberAddition, Friends of Ten, Subtraction
Type of ResourceGames


Have fun with this exciting and educational ‘Friends of Ten’ board game! This fun-filled game is perfect for children aged 5-8 who are learning addition and subtraction.

The game is designed to help children master the concept of numbers that add up to ten, and to build their confidence in basic math skills. The game is easy to learn and play, making it a great choice for group activities.

Players take turns covering a ‘freidn of ten’. The goal is to make a row of four by correctly identifying pairs of numbers that add up to ten. Players will have to use their math skills and strategic thinking to outwit their opponents and come out on top.

With colorful game pieces, engaging gameplay, and a focus on foundational math skills, ‘Friends of Ten’ is the perfect addition to any classroom game collection. It’s also a great way to help children develop critical thinking skills and gain confidence in their ability to solve math problems.

So why wait? Add ‘Friends of Ten’ to your game collection today and start having fun while learning the fundamentals of addition and subtraction!