When students can’t decode but can encode and vice versa.

when students can't decode

It’s a common complaint among teachers: “My students can read but their writing is terrible!” or “My students can’t decode but they can encode! I’m so frustrated!” If only we had a dollar for every time we heard this! The truth is, there’s a crucial balance missing in many classrooms – the balance between decoding […]

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How to Teach Encoding and Decoding

Encoding and decoding

Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of encoding and decoding —two skills that hold the key to unlocking the magic of language. I recently heard encoding and decoding compared to breathing. Encoding is the in breath and decoding is the out breath. Undoubtedly, encoding skills are as important to reading as decoding skills. “Encoding […]

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Unlocking Learning Potential: How to use Word Work Mats

how to use word work mats

A valuable tool that has gained popularity in recent years is the Printable Word Work Mat. This approach can significantly enhance a child’s language development. In this blog post, we will explore what Word Work Mats are and how to use word work mats to support literacy skills in children. What Is a Printable Word […]

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