Rich text recommendations for Australian Animals

Rich text recommendations for Australian Animals

Are you teaching Australian Animals as a unit this year? Then you are probably looking for some rich text recommendations for Australian Animals to explore with your class! The best thing about this topic is that lots of hybrid fiction/non-fiction books have been written. Hybrid books are fantastic for linking facts with fiction texts, and […]

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How to use a Sound Wall

You’ve probably heard about sound walls in the classroom through colleagues or social media – maybe you’ve been asked to implement a sound wall in your classroom.  Implementing new tools can seem overwhelming at first, but the investment in student learning is always worth it. If you’re not sure how to use a sound wall, […]

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Creating a Calm Classroom

creating a calm classroom

What is a Calm Classroom? A calm classroom is a learning environment that gives students a sense of safety, relaxation and equilibrium. The calming environment is created mindfully through routine, decor, temperature and sound. Why create a calm classroom? A calm classroom makes your job easier. Students are more engaged, display less behaviour issues, and […]

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The Third Teacher in Your Classroom

Who is the Third Teacher? The Third Teacher in your classroom is the learning environment. The first teacher is the PARENT, the second the CLASSROOM TEACHER and the third is the LEARNING ENVIRONMENT you create for your students. Healthy relationships between all three contribute to student wellbeing and success. To be an effective Third Teacher, […]

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