Australian Animal Adaptations Escape Room Year 5 Science Australian Curriculum

xplore Australian animal adaptations with this fun escape room activity! Your students will love learning about the adaptations that Australian animals have made to adapt to diverse environments.


You will love this ready-to go escape room, which includes everything you need to do to run this activity in your classroom.


Your students will practise their close reading skills, choose correct vocabulary definitions, determine if statements are true or false, select the correct answer from multiple choice answers, and find the location of statements within the reading passage.


All of these activities are designed to engage students with the reading passage multiple times.


Australian Animal Adaptations Escape Room includes:

  • Hook to engage students
  • Reading passage (600 words; 2 pages)
  • 4 x challenges to solve. These challenges involve finding answers within the reading passage and using problem solving skills.
  • Answer sheet for students
  • Answer keys for teachers
  • Colour and blackline posters for each animal.
  • ‘Crack the code’ lock poster for displaying the final answer.


Extend this activity by:

  • Annotating the reading passage for parts of speech, text structure, tier 2 & 3 vocabulary
  • Students write a short passage about the adaptations of their chosen animal.
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