Year 3 Bump It Up Wall Writing Exemplars – Bundle

Are you looking to create a Year 3 Bump It Up Wall in your classroom? What about different Bump It Up Walls for a range of writing topics/genres?

Bump It Up Walls (also known as visual writing rubrics) are a fantastic way to make learning visible in your classroom and to track student learning. Visual writing rubrics are an effective tool that can boost student achievement, BUT they can be so time-consuming to write! So, we’ve done the hard work for you!

Save your time and energy with these Year 3 Bump It Up Wall Writing Exemplars! This bundle includes FIVE Bump It Up Walls, each with a range of leveled examples and annotations detailing the success criteria of each level. Your students will know what is expected and know how to improve!

This Year 3 Bump It Up Wall Bundle currently includes;

⭐ Grade 3 Narrative Bump It Up Wall | Visual Writing Rubric

⭐ Grade 3 Persuasive Letter Writing Bump It Up Wall | Visual Writing Rubric

⭐ Grade 3 Persuasive Writing Exemplars – Bump It Up Wall

⭐ Grade 3 Procedural Writing Exemplars – Bump It Up Wall (*NEW – September 2022)

⭐ Grade 3 Information Report Bump It Up Wall and Student Checklist


Teachers like you said…


Nichole H. says, “This was one of the best resources I have found for writing. Not only did it get examples of different levels of writing, but really dove into how to bump up writing to a better level in kid-friendly language and engaging lessons. Highly recommend this resource!”

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