Teachers do it all.
When we first start teaching, we say ‘yes’ to everything. We’re busy with lunchtime clubs, committees, the extra playground duty.
Sometimes we cope and sometimes we don’t.
In our careers we may have times when we can’t balance these commitments with our home lives – maybe we have young children, a second business, finding time to exercise.
Well, Covid has thrown us a curveball and it literally transformed the way we teach. We stripped back the unnecessary; focussed on the important, and guess what – our students kept learning.
Maybe you, like me, have had enough of doing it all. Maybe you’ve had enough of ‘just coping’.
You don’t want to go back to ‘busy’. You want to simplify your job.
How is the Teachie Tings Time-Saving Planner different?
This system streamlines your planning.
If you’ve ever bought the big fancy planner only to find you’re not using it by Week 3 – this is for you.
If you’ve written down every detail of your week in your planner, but still forgotten you have playground duty – this is for you.
If you’ve worked from a weekly timetable and had trouble fitting everything in – this is for you.
It’s more than a planner
You will receive more than just a planner.
You will receive
- A how-to document that walks you through your planning, each step of the way.
- printable templates to build your own paper planner.
- digital templates for digital planning
- slideshow templates for your in-class lessons.
- planning that is focussed on Learning Intentions and Success Criteria (the critical part of your job)
- tips to reduce the amount of ‘stuff’ in your plan
Read about how I plan here
How does it work?
The planning system has five steps;
1.Overview Planner
2.Resource Bank
3.Daily planner
4.Weekly slideshow
5. Back up, Print and Organise
Overview Planner
The Overview Planner is completed at the beginning of the planning cycle and the purpose of this plan is to have clarity on what students need to know and to break down the success criteria that students will work towards. This isn’t a sequence of activities – instead you are identifying what students will need to know and do.
Resource Bank
The purpose of this step is to bring together all of your resources, so that you are not spending your precious time during the school week looking for these items.
Daily Planner
One place to organise your day/week with detailed success criteria, activities, and resources. This is not a timetable – this is focussing in on your most important job – helping students to achieve Learning Intentnions and Success Criteria.
Weekly Slideshow
Includes your Daily Plan for each day, and slides to display in class. Walk into your classroom with your plan and resources in one place, ready to go, for the whole week.
Back up, Print and Organise
Preapre and lay out your planning and resource, ready to teach.
How is this going to make life easier?
- You are going to streamline your planning and cut the time-wasting crap.
- You are going to claim back your mornings and afternoons so that you can reduce your time at school.
- You are going to walk in on the first day of your teaching week prepared and relaxed.