Student Goal Slip Bundle

Make goal-setting easy with these goal slips for students.  You will save time writing feedback with these easy to prep and use pre-written writing goals.

This resource will help you to:

  • Easily assign a range of writing, reading and comprehension goals from K-6.
  • Track goals. Use the three icons under the goal to record goal achievement.
  • Quickly give effective feedback. Simply print, cut out, and store.
  • Goals are written in child-friendly language.
  • Print in batches and use regularly to give student feedback, send home to communicate with parents, use as desk-toppers or display on bump it up walls.



Here’s what is included:

Writing, Reading and Comprehension Goal Slips

✔Over 300 pages of goals (six to a page)

✔Each goal begins with “My WRITING/READING/COMPREHENSION GOAL is to”

✔Each slip includes three icons to colour in when skill is demonstrated

✔This resource is useful in ANY classroom, and is also aligned with Australian Literacy Continuum – Clusters 1-12



This resource would work for grades Prep/Foundation-5!

(Cluster 12 =Year 6)



Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:


✿ give student feedback

✿ send home to communicate with parents

✿ use as desk toppers

✿ display on bump it up walls

✿ focus for small group work

✿ feedback for end of unit assessments

✿ homework focus

✿ goal setting

✿ enrichment



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