Persuasive Writing/ Opinion Writing Bundle – Year 2

Are you looking to help your students be successful with PERSUASIVE WRITING?

Then you need to grab this resource!

This bundle will help you to:


  • Provide examples of texts at different levels of achievement including annotations so student know HOW to improve their writing
  • Scaffold your students to the next level using the persuasive text checklist for self, peer and teacher feedback
  • Set goals using the annotations and checklist – identify what they need to do in their next piece of writing to take it to the next level
  • Practise writing persuasively using age-appropriate ‘Would you rather’ scaffolds that tap into student’s imagination
  • Scaffold students proficiency with text structure using the OREO paragraph/text structure



This set is great for Learning Walls, Bump It Up Walls, Student Goal-setting and feedback


Here’s what is included:

A collection of handy persuasive writing teaching resources:

✔YEAR 2 – Differentiated writing samples and annotations for your bump it up wall – help you students to improve their writing

✔Checklist to help your students include all of the text and language features

✔’Would You Rather’ scaffolds for writing practise

✔OREO text structure desk topper in fun cookie shape


This resource would work for grade 2



Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:


✿ give student feedback

✿ send home to communicate with parents

✿ use as desk toppers

✿ display on bump it up walls

✿ focus for small group work

✿ feedback for end of unit assessments

✿ homework focus

✿ goal setting

✿ enrichment

This product can only be downloaded by subscribers. To download this product, please login or sign up by purchasing a Teachie Tings Subscription.

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GradeYear 2
Text TypesPersuasive Writing