Word Work Mats Halloween
These fun mats are inspired by the UFLI Toolbox Digital Word Mat – except they’re printable!
Why printable word work mats?
- No fiddly and distracting letter tiles
- Easily reproduced when new copies are needed
- KISS – Keep It Simple Super-Teacher!
We’ve created four colour mats and five blackline mats – all in a fun Halloween theme:
- Original
- Basic (Consonants and Vowels only)
- Consonant Digraphs
- Vowel Teams and Dipthongs
- Blank mat – students write their own graphemes in as they are taught (blackline only)
Different fonts: Miss Kindergarten, QLD, NSW, SA, TAS, VIC, SA fonts.
Thank you to the University of Florida Literacy Institute for their amazing toolbox. We adapted this free resource from their original and abide by their fair use rules as of August 2023. Please find the UFLI here.
We hope that this is a useful tool to support you in your classroom.
You do not need a subscription to download this free resource.